Use Cases of JavaScript

Shivam Upadhyay
5 min readJun 25, 2021


Hello Everyone!!

Today we will talk about JavaScript and its use cases in the industries i.e how it is used in big companies such as Google, Microsoft etc.

What is JavaScript?

Javascript is the language that is used to interact with the browser i.e if you write any code in javascript then that means that you are giving instructions to the browser to do this or that based on the code and situations. You might be thinking that why it is called as JavaScript. This is because its syntax is similar to that of the Java language.

One of the real-world examples that I can give you about javascript is that when you write anything in the search bar of Google, it gives you suggestions for the search items. So, in this, you can say that our browser is interacting with us like giving suggestions, etc. and as javascript is used for interacting with our browser so this feature of Google is because of the JavaScript.

Javascript is mainly used with HTML and CSS as it is the language that is used to control web pages. It can’t be used independently.

Use Cases of Javascript in top companies


Google as a company largely uses Javascript on almost every one of its products. As I have already given the example of Google search recommendation, which uses Javascript behind the scene, let me give you some more examples of Google using Javascript.

Another short example is that in the Google’s YouTube, when we bring our cursor on top of any video, it starts playing in the background. This is because of the javascript used behind the scene in the YouTube web app.

Google usually uses its own javascript tool such as AngularJS. Another example is Google Maps in which a user just requires to click and drag the mouse and the details are visible just by a click. So Google uses JavaScript behind these concepts.

Another Google service, like Google Docs, uses Closure Tools. This set of tools compiles JavaScript into a lower-level faster form more suited for rich and highly responsive web applications. There’s another point to consider that Google developed Chrome which is a web browser, needed a JavaScript engine, so Google also made V8. So, V8 not only powers Chrome but it is at the heart of NodeJS. So, without Google, there would be no Node.



Have you noticed that when you open Facebook, it loads in a different way. Each piece of the Facebook page is separate. So you can say that Facebook has invented its own way of breaking down and delivering sections of JavaScript separately. You can say that each section of our Facebook page is a collection of independent JavaScript applications.

Moreover, Facebook created React, which is one of the most popular front-end frameworks and Facebook uses React on as well as Instagram and WhatsApp.


You all are familiar with Uber which has made our traveling easy. Uber needs to handle loads of data in real-time. They have millions of requests coming in continuously, and that does not just hit on a page. Moreover, Uber needs to track driver locations, rider locations, and incoming ride requests. It also has to seamlessly sort that data and match riders as fast as possible.

So, all of that is done by using NodeJS’s and JavaScript’s strengths. Node is designed to handle requests and handoff data quickly. Its asynchronous capabilities are a huge part of that. Node is central to Uber’s user-facing stack for just that reason.


PayPal is also using JavaScript on the front end of its website for a long time.

The online payment giant was one of the earliest adopters of NodeJS. During an update of their record outline page, they chose to have a go at building the page in Node simultaneously as their typical Java advancement. The NodeJS rendition worked out so well, that they decided to utilize it underway and assemble all client-facing applications in Node going ahead. That implies that the vast majority of what you find in your record is running on Node.

PayPal even went as far as to create and maintain their own version of Express, called KrakenJS. It’s pretty obvious that they like JavaScript over at PayPal.


You may not find Microsoft using Javascript in Windows but Microsoft relies on JavaScript for a whole lot else.

Firstly, Microsoft needs to work closely with JavaScript to built its Edge web browser. All browsers need to measure and execute JavaScript productively, so Microsoft has created and keeps up its own JavaScript engine for Edge. There have been discussions of making a substitute variant of NodeJS with the Edge engine.

As of late, Microsoft has truly accepted NodeJS. They altogether support Node on the Azure cloud platform. Its one of Azure’s significant highlights, and they’ve incorporated Visual Studio support for Node.

Microsoft has likewise fostered a form of Node for Internet Of Things(IoT) applications. NodeJS is incredible of IoT on the grounds that it’s lightweight and proficient.

There are many such companies such as Netflix, Walmart, eBay etc. which totally rely on Javascript for making their web apps more interactive and informative so that their web app provides a good user experience to their clients.

That was all friends. Thanks for reading:)

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Shivam Upadhyay
Shivam Upadhyay

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